Thursday, August 6, 2009 |
Alcohol Trivia |
1. President Lyndon B. Johnson's favorite drink may have been scotch and soda. He would ride around his Texas ranch in an open convertible in hot weather. He drank his "scotch and soda out of a large white plastic foam cup. Periodically, Johnson would slow down and hold his left arm outside the car, shaking the cup and ice. A Secret Service agent would run up to the car, take the cup and go back to the station wagon (following the President's car). There another agent would refill it with ice, scotch, and soda as the first agent trotted behind the wagon. then the first agent would run the refilled cup up to LBJ's outstretched hand, as the President's car moved slowly forward."
2. Don’t swallow in Utah! Wine used in wine tastings in Utah must not be swallowed!
3. Adding a miniature onion to a martini turns it into a Gibson.
4. The longest bar in the world is 684 feet (or about 208.5 meters) long and is located at the New Bulldog in Rock Island, Illinois.
5. A drinking establishment is now located in the New York City building that once housed the National Temperance Society.
6. A tequini is a martini made with tequila instead of dry gin.
7. The body or lightness of whiskey is primarily determined by the size of the grain from which it is made; the larger the grain, the lighter the whiskey. For example, whiskey made from rye, with its small grain size, is bigger or fuller-bodied than is whiskey made from corn, with its large grain size.
8. Each molecule of alcohol is less than a billionth of a meter long and consists of a few atoms of oxygen, carbon and hydrogen.
9. Christopher Columbus brought Sherry on his voyage to the New World.
10. As Magellan prepared to sail around the world in 1519, he spent more on Sherry than on weapons.
11. Sixty-two percent of Americans report that they have used the service of a designated driver.
12. The founder of MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) no longer belongs to the organization. She resigned after it became increasingly anti-alcohol rather than simply anti-drunk-driving.
13. Vassar College was established and funded by a brewer.
posted by Fun Food Eater @ 11:47 PM  |